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5th Volume of Journal of Greater Mekong Studies to be released in November 2021

Posted date: July 22, 2021

The Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) is very happy to announce that the next edition of the Journal of Greater Mekong Studies (JGMS) will be released in November of this year! CICP would like to express its most sincere gratitude to the Embassy of the United States of America in Phnom Penh for providing an a further two years of support for the journal, allowing JGMS to continue to develop as a leading, open, independent space for voices from throughout the Greater Mekong Subregion to discuss and to analyze the wide range of challenges confronting the subregion and the long term sustainability of the Mekong river. This fifth edition of the journal will take as its primary focus the future of water governance, while also examining additional topics – such as the situation in Myanmar – that are particularly timely. CICP looks forward to the contributions and insights from a wide range of authors representing a diversity of perspectives from throughout the subregion.

Our 4 previous volumes of JGMS are accessible online in this link: https://cicp.org.kh/cat/journal-of-greater-mekong-studies/