Selected CICP Publications 2016
This publication is a collection of selected original papers and articles that CICP would like to disseminate to a broad audience of academics, policy makers, students, the diplomatic community, NGO’s and think tanks, and citizens within Cambodia’s society. Our goal is to raise awareness and also stimulate both critical thinking and debate on challenging issues and emerging trends in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. Our work is imperative to disseminate relevant and interesting research materials, essays, and opinion pieces that contribute to the maintenance of political and social stability as well as to the promotion of a vibrant research community in Cambodia.
We are proud to share this research publication with you and hope that you can share it with other colleagues and friends to further our goal of informing the public at large about the latest social, political and economic developments in both Cambodia as well as the Southeast and East Asia region. This past year has been both exciting and industrious at CICP as we have brought in speakers from around the world to present informative public lectures on important events every month. We are proud to continue our mission of educating the public about both regional and international issues that impact Cambodia and the region coupled with conducting original research, the creation of a network on Friends of R2P -Cambodia, publishing the proceedings of regional conferences, publishing original research and opinion pieces in a yearly “Selected CICP Publications”.
This publication is a collection of selected original papers and articles that CICP would like to disseminate to a broad audience of academics, policy makers, students, the diplomatic community, NGO’s and think tanks, and citizens within Cambodia’s society. Our goal is to raise awareness and also stimulate both critical thinking and debate on challenging issues and emerging trends in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. Our work is imperative to disseminate relevant and interesting research materials, essays, and opinion pieces that contribute to the maintenance of political and social stability as well as to the promotion of a vibrant research community in Cambodia.
We would like to take this opportunity to first thank our contributors for giving CICP the authorization to publish their articles for the benefit of sharing their views on regional and international issues. Our sincere appreciation also goes to Mr. Rene Gradwohl, Country Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) for his generous financial support for making this publication possible and available to the general public. CICP is prepared to be proactive about and involved with regional issues that are critical to the national and regional interest in the year ahead. We realize that the future of our success hinges on our ability to bring significant issues affecting Cambodia and the wider region to generate critical and constructive discussion among the scholarly community and professionals.
Ambassador Pou Sothirak
Executive Director
The Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace
Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Dams
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
The Cambodian-Thai Border Dispute
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
China’s Belt and Road Cooperation with ASEAN and Cambodia
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
My Reflection on the Paris Peace Agreements
H.E Amb. Pou Sothirak
Maritime Cooperation
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
Aspects and Aims of Security Sector Reform
Prof. Kevin Nauen
The Paris Peace Agreements Remain Relevant Today
Prof. Kevin Nauen
Roles of China’s Aid to Cambodia’s Socio-Economic Development
Prof. Huot Sokunthea and Prof. Nuch Ramo
Mass Atrocities under the Khmer Rouge
Dr. Peou Sorpong
Cambodia’s Political Outlook
Dr. Chheang Vannarith
Nation Building and National Identity – the Case of Germany
H.E. Amb. Joachim Baron von Marschall
Chinese Investments in Cambodia: View of Chinese Soft Power from the Ground Up
Dr. David Koh
Promoting and Advancing the Responsibility to Protect: The Role of Academia
Prof. Pou Sovachana
The Continual Unraveling of Human Security in Cambodia
Prof. Pou Sovachana
Doing Research in Cambodia: Making Models that Build Capacity
Prof. Pou Sovachana
Achievements and Challenges of SSR-SSG and the Effectiveness of Multi-Stakeholder
Approaches in Cambodia through Cooperation between CICP and DCAF
Prof. Pou Sovachana
This publication is a collection of selected original papers and articles that CICP would like to disseminate to a broad audience of academics, policy makers, students, the diplomatic community, NGO’s and think tanks, and citizens within Cambodia’s society. Our goal is to raise awareness and also stimulate both critical thinking and debate on challenging issues and emerging trends in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. Our work is imperative to disseminate relevant and interesting research materials, essays, and opinion pieces that contribute to the maintenance of political and social stability as well as to the promotion of a vibrant research community in Cambodia.
We would like to take this opportunity to first thank our contributors for giving CICP the authorization to publish their articles for the benefit of sharing their views on regional and international issues. Our sincere appreciation also goes to Mr. Rene Gradwohl, Country Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) for his generous financial support for making this publication possible and available to the general public. CICP is prepared to be proactive about and involved with regional issues that are critical to the national and regional interest in the year ahead. We realize that the future of our success hinges on our ability to bring significant issues affecting Cambodia and the wider region to generate critical and constructive discussion among the scholarly community and professionals.
Ambassador Pou Sothirak
Executive Director
The Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace
Table of Contents
Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Dams
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
The Cambodian-Thai Border Dispute
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
China’s Belt and Road Cooperation with ASEAN and Cambodia
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
My Reflection on the Paris Peace Agreements
H.E Amb. Pou Sothirak
Maritime Cooperation
H.E. Amb. Pou Sothirak
Aspects and Aims of Security Sector Reform
Prof. Kevin Nauen
The Paris Peace Agreements Remain Relevant Today
Prof. Kevin Nauen
Roles of China’s Aid to Cambodia’s Socio-Economic Development
Prof. Huot Sokunthea and Prof. Nuch Ramo
Mass Atrocities under the Khmer Rouge
Dr. Peou Sorpong
Cambodia’s Political Outlook
Dr. Chheang Vannarith
Nation Building and National Identity – the Case of Germany
H.E. Amb. Joachim Baron von Marschall
Chinese Investments in Cambodia: View of Chinese Soft Power from the Ground Up
Dr. David Koh
Promoting and Advancing the Responsibility to Protect: The Role of Academia
Prof. Pou Sovachana
The Continual Unraveling of Human Security in Cambodia
Prof. Pou Sovachana
Doing Research in Cambodia: Making Models that Build Capacity
Prof. Pou Sovachana
Achievements and Challenges of SSR-SSG and the Effectiveness of Multi-Stakeholder
Approaches in Cambodia through Cooperation between CICP and DCAF
Prof. Pou Sovachana